Ather Forum - Upgraded!

Hey folks,

We have some new features on the forum, to make the conversation more engaging and friendly, try them out now!

Filtered replies view

In long conversations, you can now hit the “(n) replies” button to see only replies to that post, this will help you follow a conversation better.



Finally, you can now use emojis to react to a post. Hover over the thumbs-up button to add a reaction.

Category experts

The community has lots of experienced owners, and you can now endorse them as an “expert”!

Endorse an expert

To endorse someone, head over to their profile and hit the ‘endorse’ button, and pick the topics that are their strengths. Once a member gets 3 endorsements, a staff member reviews it and will make them an expert!


Ask for replies from an expert

When creating a new topic, you can now ask a category expert to respond. This will notify the category experts about the post.

Viewing topics with expert responses