Order swapping

Creating this topic for order swapping requests among members.

  1. For most cases, the pre-order to full payment window opening timeline has become really short due to ramp up in production, hence order swapping might not be required.
  2. If you still would like to swap orders, it’s possible within the same city.

Process for transferring Series 1 benefits:

  1. To change the city for an order, you can make a new pre-order in the new city.
  2. Cancel your old pre-order. You will be able to get a full refund of the pre-order amount. Reach out to the dealer partner in your city after you make the new pre-order if you’re ready to make the payment. Based on available stocks of your preferred color, the dealer might be able to help you complete the purchase sooner.
  3. If you want to transfer Series 1 benefits, you can reach out to Ather Customer Care along with details of the person willing to give up their benefits and we’ll initiate the transfer of benefits

Note: All posts in this thread older than 30 days will be deleted. This is to ensure that there’s no build-up of requests here. If you have a pending request here for more than 30 days, do submit here again.

The older thread has been archived here:

Order Swapping [Archive]