Keyless entry

How about an in-screen finger print scanner and/or pattern/pin unlock like mobile phones?
When I read about Carl Pei’s visit to Ather’s experience centre, I got this idea :slight_smile:

In future, we can even possibly eliminate the key altogether with this


this was my first question to Ravi at Ather space

when I visited for the first time

i was surprised to see key to access - as all the while my definition of smart was first to be keyless (at least i was expecting a radio remote - instead of key)

but i was informed this was requirement form Government Authority to have a key for 2 wheeler -

however would like to see this in any future models from Ather


Read this link, keyless start system

yeah have read that on forum

had the same question (not sure how)

but am certain this will change and Ather goes keyless


Also, vehicle sharing apps like bounce have keyless entry.
No physical key. Only app generated pin

Yes but the manufacturer of the vehicle cannot make keyless vehicle, its modified after procuring the vehicle.


How about finger print scanner to eliminate keys…


How about face recognition???


No. dont want this. What if i want to give my flight for a friend or a colleague for a couple of days? What about valet parking?

How often will you give your 2 wheeler for valet parking… Maybe they can provide some way to activate or deactivate the fingerprint…

It’s all wishful thinking…:slightly_smiling_face:

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Yes must have especially for Electric bike.

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Half the price scooters are now coming with Keyless operation, I wonder it’s gonna take another decade for Ather to develop this feature