Charging from After-Market Fast Charger

Not only Ather but many wire harness of EV are without proper protection. Any idea or workaround to make them safe from say rat bites or corrosion kind of it. Let’s think of visible aspects first for suggestions. Warranty expired scooters can be a good trial and error experiments.

PS : just to have suggestions to make the harness live longer not advising to fiddle with it


Coat them with cotton tape. This method is proven to be effective against rat bites.


Buy total loss OLA and carry its battery pack for 350km range :alien: or buy Hero Vida external batteries.

Stuff like this and a really well programmed BMS that limits load to the charger accordingly during rides and regular charging would be amazing.

Can’t wait to work on these after my warranty is void.

Really curious, how does DC charging work without communication with the charger ? And what happens when the voltage is too low ? Does it stop charging or something else happen ? @power_light2000


Ultra portable charger , Does the same job as the original grid charger , This revolution has come to phone chargers years ago when tradition chargers where bulky and GaN charger(Gallium nitrite) chargers where 70-80% smaller in size but does the same job producing less heat than the traditional once does consuming less energy

:point_up_2::point_up_2::point_up_2::point_up_2::point_up_2: Traditional Samsung 45W charger on the left and GaN charger of same 45W on the right :+1:

People working hard on introducing portable FAST CHARGER :+1: go ahead guys , your work will alot of people who where limited to do inter state travels , if you guys crack this open , we may travel K2K on Ather soon :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


Lithium batteries do not like imbalance. Even if you get it from a high quality vendor it will fail overtime. Have you seen Simple One setup? The internal battery and the removable battery do not work together.

The prime reason is imbalance of volts. Think Ather has 56.8v at 100% charge and 48v at 50% charge. But you have a external battery at 51v charge, now the external battery will try to supercharge at its maximum rated amperage. Which is not designed in the bms characteristics. Which will lead to it’s failure.


Isn’t charging on the go gonna deplete the battery faster? Its never recommended to charge while using a product. Cells die that way.

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That is true, unless you can find an equilibrium and a smart enough BMS to deplete the secondary battery simultaneously or close to it, but we’ll have to do some jugaad and limit our riding in a way that the motor will not consume more than 3000w (fast charging) to not damage the on board BMS of the scooter.

@Devansh Not necessarily, it will the same as regular cycles.


If you connect external battery that have slightly lower voltage then Ather battery. That can work perfectly. Like if ur Ather battery is 100% charge and having voltage around 56v then if you connect external battery having less voltage like 53/54. When you accelerate scooter then internal battery voltage will drop and only that time it will drain power from external battery and that power will use to run motor not to charge internal battery. So in this way internal battery will not charge with high current as well will have less stress and less drain and you will get more mileage. As no charging is done from external battery to internal battery there is no imbalance impact.


Correct :100: I also think it work like this.

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This analytics is for a lead acid batteries. Not in Li battery. In Li battery pack the voltage does not drop like that even at full capacity. That’s why Li battery pack can provide full performance even at 20%.


Whatever it is, an external battery is possible, but I am not sure if the BMS of the scooter can handle charging and discharging at the same time.

@sombiryadav77 using a lower voltage pack without a BMS that limits power to how much the Ather’s BMS can handle willl damage the scooter like Parveen has mentioned. (Not to mention, if its something like a 48v it wouldn’t even charge in the first place till Ather’s battery hits like 10% or something).

In my opinion, charging while riding will probably damage the BMS unless lets say if you limit the motor and charging to 1500w each so that we don’t overload the BMS as both charging and discharging is handled by it.

And now if I’m wrong and Ather has a different charging module altogether, this is safe and pretty much doable without any research.


Voltage is not dropping incase of Lifepo4 battery but if you have lithium ion and it’s happening. Not as much as lead acid but voltage is dropping. I already tested. I will make a video soon to clarify all doubts.


Just Asking,

Is It Possible to Modify Ultraviolette Boost Charger to Charge Our Ather :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::muscle:

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I am not aware about ultraviolet boost charger. But if that charger give power without CAN communication and output amp less than 50amp and voltage is 58v then you can use.


Yes please make a video and share the link or video on the forum.

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Does DOT charger works only with one scooter it came with? If yes then how can I unlock it, I have portable charger and DOT charger both , is it can be used with any other Ather scooter then I can give it to my friend who has place to install it permanently


The dot charger is linked only with the scooter that was bought with it. If you want any other scooter to have access, you need to contact the customer care. Moreover, I think the number of scooters that can be given access to the dot is also limited, maybe 4-5 scooters or something.


As per Recent Confirmation by Customer Care,

We can Pair as many as Ather Scooters to the DOT Charger :white_check_mark:

Currently My DOT paired with 5 Ather Scooters :face_with_monocle::muscle:


If Ather would provide us chargers like mobile fast chargers that would be better. Buying a charger for this much amount is like buying a scooter itself. Anyway good luck for your personal fast charger.


Can you tell me how to get battery health and voltage information on my Ather